How does fiber help in the digestive system

Major role of fiber in our Digestive System in daily life

Dear readers, welcome to Quewap.I am Pramod Saini currently work as Cardiac Analyst and my educational background is biotechnology.

Friends, as we all have heard a famous line from our ancestors that the root of all diseases is our stomach. Dear friends, let me tell you on a very serious note which is very true in today's obesogenic environment, most of the diseases start from our poor digestive system, so friends today I will cover some important points about our digestive system that we must have to know and how to keep our digestive system healthy in today's obesogenic world. 

Our digestive system includes all the organ systems from the mouth to the rectum/anus, which are involved in the digestion of food in the body. Helps in absorption of nutrients and expulsion of stools.It is similar to a long muscular tube, up to 10 metres long, attached with digestive organs along the way.

Our digestive system includes the organs such as salivary glands, liver, gallbladder, and pancreas that plays very important role in food & liquid digestion,these organs make digestive liquid and several enzymes that help our body digest food and liquids that we eat and break them down into chemical components like glucose (sugars), amino acids (that synthesize up protein) or fatty acids (that synthesize up fats), that absorbed into the bloodstream from the small intestine and the nutrients are carried to each cell in the body.

The health of your digestive system is greatly influenced by nutritional issues, from the biological availability and absorption of nutrients to their direct and indirect effects on nutritional health.

Why is fiber important for our digestive health ?

I would like to tell you friends that fiber plays a major role in the digestive health of our body. Colon cells use fiber as the fuel to keep them healthy. Fiber also helps to keep the digestive tract flowing, by keeping your bowel movements soft and regular.

On the other hand, dietary fiber increases the weight and size of our stool and makes it soft. A bulky stool is easier to pass out, decreasing your chance of constipation. If you are having loose, watery stools, fiber may help to solidify the stool as fiber absorbs water and also adds bulk to stool.


What is fiber?

Fiber known by the following name :

  • Dietary fiber
  • Unavailable carbohydrates
  • Bran (husk)

Dietary carbohydrates that are not digested and absorbed and which contribute to positive bodily functions in the body are called fiber. Simply fiber is a type of carbohydrate that the body can't digest that passes through the body undigested and keeps our digestive system clean and healthy, flushing cholesterol and other harmful effects including carcinogens out of our body. 

Benefits of fiber in several diseases

Taking a high quality diet provides benefit in the disease of constipation and increases the continuity of the bowel. Apart from this, it helps in reducing the risk of cardiovascular disease as well as reduces the risk of high cholesterol and blood pressure diseases.

Advices recommend by WHO or US Institute

  • At least daily by the World Health organization (WHO) recommended intake of less than 25 grams of fiber.
  • By the US National Cancer Institute of Medicine advice to take 20 - 30 grams of fiber per day has been given.
  • In 2000 by the US institute of Medicine 28 grams a day based on a diet of calories fiber intake was recommended.

Five out of the 10 leading global disease risk factors notable in the 2002 report of the World Health Organization (WHO)

  1. High blood pressure
  2. High cholesterol
  3. Obesity
  4. Physical inactivity
  5. Inadequate consumption of fruits and vegetables (fiber diet) has a close relationship with diet.

Best ready natural fiber available in below product.

Nutrilite Fiber by Amway 

Nutrilite fiber improves quality of life, as well as supports GI general health

Features and Benefits

  • 4.5 grams of natural and soluble in each serving fiber is present.
  • General health and regularity of the gastrointestinal to help get the fiber you need.
  • It dissolves easily with water and produces transparent, tasteless, less thick liquid.
  • By this meet the daily requirement of dietary fiber.

We always include organic products that we think are useful for our readers. 

To know more details about this natural product and how and where to purchase, you can directly contact to me:

Name: Pramod Saini 

WhatsApp: 7217687202 


Note - This blog is for informational purposes only. Consult your local medical authority or physician to add this product with diet.


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